News digest, June 2022: Completed implementation of SMSBAT.COM 3.0

Completed implementation of SMSBAT.COM 3.0

As of the beginning of July 2022, all work on the code was completed.
A working group on issues of legalization has been formed.
We plan to launch the SMSBAT.COM platform office with language localization from August 2022

News digest, June 2022

  1. Version 2.3.0 (2022.06.29)
    - omnichannel CDP

    NPS, Flashcall, Email, SMS, Viber Business Messages, Viber Chat-bot, Facebook, Smart Search, URL Shortener
  2. Version 2.2.14 (2022.03.15)
    - Start Flash Call messaging

    Sending SMS and Viber messages with any number of numbers. The mechanics of interaction have been improved and the resources of the platform have been increased.
  3. ...
  4. Version 2.2.7 (2021.04.13)
    - Implemented the ability to send Viber messages promo, transactional and available in the account checking the message template for compliance with the transactional message


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